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gravidanza, esami in gravidanza e salute

Pregnancy: weeks, symptoms, well-being, exams

Pregnancy is magic for every woman, to feel that heart beating, the first soccer ...

Mammamather helps you in the sweet expectation.

Here you will find a small pocket midwife who will guide you on the path of motherhood


Nove Mesi

Pregnancy! Are you pregnant and now?

Many tips for you from conception to birth.

How to recognize the symptoms of pregnancy, prepare for childbirth, prepare the house for the arrival of a baby, health, clothing, well-being.

For you fitness exercises, diet and tips for nine months of health and serenity.

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Weeks of pregnancy

Settimane di gravidanza

All weeks of pregnancy and what happens month by month to you and your baby.

Maternal changes, calculation of pregnancy weeks, pregnancy calendar and examinations for each trimester: first, second and third.
The development and size of the fetus week by week. for many tips for the nine months of gestation.

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Sintomi di gravidanza

Symptoms and annoyances in pregnancy

In some cases, pregnancy means small annoyances typical of gestation.

Here are the pregnancy symptoms and remedies for you.

Early pregnancy symptoms, nesting symptoms, such as acidity, frequent urination, varicose veins, swollen legs, breast pain, swollen belly, nausea, fatigue and sleepiness.

For every symptom, annoyance or ailment the cause and the remedy just a click away

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Esami in gravidanza

Exams in pregnancy

The tests to be done during pregnancy, blood tests such as TORCH, cytomegalovirus, rubella and toxoplasmosis.

The prenatal diagnosis with the prenatal test bi test, tri test, nuchal translucency, amniocentesis and CVS.

Ultrasound during pregnancy: the first ultrasound, morphological, cardio-fetal ultrasound, growth ultrasound and flowmetry for the evaluation of fetal well-being. Exams that can be borrowed during pregnancy

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The information contained in this site is presented for informational purposes only, in no case can they constitute the formulation of a diagnosis or the prescription of a treatment, and do not intend and must not in any way replace the direct doctor-patient relationship or the specialist visit. . It is recommended that you always seek the advice of your doctor and / or specialists regarding any indication reported. If you have any doubts or questions about the use of a drug, you should contact your doctor.

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